Mobile Massage

  • Massage therapists bring a massage table, linens, pillows, oil, and any tools the client is interested in incorporating.

  • All you need for mobile massage is a space where you feel comfortable and safe with space for a massage table. It is helpful to have a few feet of space around the table for the therapist to move around.

    We have worked in some pretty tight spaces, so do not let this keep you from submitting an inquiry!

  • We have a 24-hour cancelation policy. Canceling or rescheduling within 24-hours of your scheduled appointment time may result in being charged the full session price.

  • We offer prenatal, postpartum, labor support, and therapeutic massage.

    Each massage is personalized and tailored to the client. Massage techniques include Swedish, deep tissue, trigger point therapy, myofascial, lymphatic drainage, cupping, scraping, Muscle Energy Techniques, and additional sports massage techniques.

    We provide a massage experience that is as effective as it is relaxing for the whole body and mind.

  • No, we are not currently offering mobile massage in hotels.

Prenatal Massage

  • You can receive prenatal massage anytime during pregnancy! Many massage studios require pregnant individuals to wait until the second trimester to receive massage. However, with trained professionals, massage is not harmful and can be very beneficial during the 1st trimester.

    We do not massage the abdomen during the 1st trimester.

  • Pregnant individuals can lay on their back and stomach (the most common massage positions) until the baby has grown to where these positions start to become uncomfortable or there is a medical reason to switch.

    After this point in the pregnancy, massage is given with the client in side-lying position. Pillows are used to support limbs and create a comfortable space that supports all of the body’s joints and ligaments.

  • Starting two weeks before the due date, our massage therapists can begin to work with acupressure points that help to stimulate uterine contractions. While these techniques do not start labor on their own, they can support the processes that your body is going through.

Postpartum Massage

  • Postpartum clients can lay on their stomach and back, or be positioned on their side with supportive pillows. If chest tenderness is a concern while laying on one’s stomach, towels and pillows can be used to support the client’s body, or the massage can be done in side-lying.

  • In general, postpartum massage can be received when you get home from the delivery center.

    If you had a cesarian section, we would avoid working on the abdomen until healing is complete.

    If you had strong hemorrhaging, a doctors note clearing you for therapeutic massage is required.

Labor Support Massage

  • For early labor support massage, the client lays in side-lying position as long as it is comfortable. Pillows are placed to support limbs and all of the body’s joints and ligaments. The client is welcome to change positions at any time during contractions or if side-lying becomes uncomfortable.

    For labor support massage throughout the duration of labor, we encourage clients to move around and change positions as often as they desire. Massage can be received while standing, kneeling, sitting, leaning forward, on hands and knees, and more.

  • In addition to the regular massage therapy supplies, we bring a TENS unit and clary sage essential oil.


  • Yes, our massage therapists are fully vaccinated and boosted.

  • Yes, our therapists mask while in clients’ homes and during the massage.

  • Masking is optional for clients.

Want to learn more or discuss your specific situation? Send an inquiry to say hello and learn more about our services.